Spousal maintenance refers to the financial support which is payable by one partner to the other partner.

A partner to a marriage is liable to maintain the other partner to the extent that they can reasonably afford to do so and if their spouse is unable to support themselves adequately.

In some situations, Spousal Maintenance also extends to parties in de facto relationships (including same sex couples).

Robertson Hayles Lawyers family law Solicitors can advise you on your ability to claim, or to have a claim made against you for Spousal Maintenance. If no agreement regarding Spousal Maintenance can be reached, then our family law Solicitors can also assist you with commencing Family Court proceedings to seek and enforce any Spousal Maintenance orders.

An Application for Spousal Maintenance is a separate application to Property Settlement but it is usually dealt with alongside other matters such as Property Division and Divorce Law. If Robertson Hayles Lawyers is managing your property settlement, Spousal Maintenance is an issue to which our family law solicitor will give consideration.

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For all enquiries please contact Robertson Hayles Lawyers on (08) 9325 1700  by email at enquiries@robertsonhayles.com or via our contact form and we will be happy to assist you.