At Robertson Hayles Lawyers, we understand the critical importance of cyber security, privacy, and data protection in today’s digital landscape.

Our cyber law team is dedicated to providing comprehensive legal services to safeguard your organisation against cyber threats, ensure compliance with privacy regulations, and manage your data effectively.

Our Expertise

Our Cyber Security, Privacy, and Data practice encompasses a broad range of services designed to address the complex challenges posed by the digital age. Our team specialises in:-

  • Risk management of your cyber risks to protect your business assets.
  • Incident management providing immediate legal support in the event of a cyber breach.
  • Ensuring compliance to cyber security regulations and standards in sales and mergers and acquisitions (M&A).
  • Developing and reviewing privacy policies tailored to your business needs.
  • Advising on compliance with local and international privacy laws, including GDPR, CCPA and the Australian Privacy Act (1988).
  • Assisting with the management and mandatory reporting of data breaches.
  • Implementing effective data governance frameworks.
  • Drafting and negotiating data sharing agreements to protect your interests.
  • Advising on data retention policies and practices.
  • Review of your cyber incident arrangements, through tabletop exercises and board presentations.

Cyber Incident Response

In the event of a cyber incident, swift and effective response is crucial. Our Cyber Incident Response service ensures that you are prepared to handle any cyber crisis with confidence. We work with insurers, IT professionals and other experts to protect your assets.

Why Choose Us?

We offer proactive legal support at affordable rates to help you stay ahead of emerging threats and regulatory changes.
Our cyber law team is headed by Dr. Roberto Musotto. He was previously the Director of Cyber Security at the Office of Digital Government in Western Australia, leading critical policy development and implementation to safeguard digital infrastructures. Roberto has managed the public disclosure and oversight of cyber incidents. He has also acquired significant experience providing legal advice and solutions on cyber security, privacy, telecommunications, and data protection to governmental organisations, private enterprises, and community organisations in Australia.

Contact Us

To learn more about how we can assist with your cyber security, privacy and data needs, contact Robertson Hayles Lawyers on (08) 9325 1700 or by email at today. Our team is ready to provide the expert advice you need to navigate the complexities of the digital world.